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Computer crime

Various types of computer crimes

      Computer crime (Cyber-Crime) is an illegal act using electronic methods to attack computer systems and data on that system. For a wider perspective "Computer-related crimes" means any illegal activity. Which relies on or is related to computer systems or networks, however, these types of crimes are not considered direct computer crimes.

      In the Tenth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held in Vienna on 10-17 April 2000. There is a classification of computer crimes divided into 5 categories, which are unauthorized access, damage to data or computer programs, disrupting the operation of the system. The computer or network router, inhibition data sent to / from and within the system or network without permission. And the espionage of data on a computer.

      The Cyber-Crime and Intellectual Property Theft Program seeks to collect and disseminate information. And researching about 6 popular types of computer crime which directly affects citizens and consumers it also serves to disseminate knowledge about the scope and complexity of the problem. Including current policies and efforts on this issue.

       The 6 types of crime are

      1. Financial - a crime that hinders the ability of a business organization to complete a transaction E-commerce (or electronic commerce).

      2. Copyright infringement - Copy of copyrighted work Today, personal computers and the internet are used as a medium for organized crime by online identity theft, including Any copyright infringement in connection with the use of the internet to distribute or distribute copyright protected creative works.

      3. Penetration - Giving access to unauthorized access to computer systems or networks. And in some cases it may mean exercising this unauthorized access In addition, hacking may also support other forms of computer crime (such as forgery, terrorism, etc.).

     4. Computer Terrorism - Sequel to Penetration With the aim of creating fear Just like general terrorism by actions that are within the scope Electronic terrorism (e-terrorism) will involve the removal of computer systems to cause violence to persons or property or at least the aim is to create fear.

      5. Online pornography - According to regulations 18 USC 2252 and 18 USC 2252A, processing or distributing child pornography is illegal. And according to regulation 47 USC 223, the distribution of pornography in any form to youth is considered an act that is against the law. The internet is just a new way for old crimes. However, the issue of the most appropriate way to control global communication channels and reach all age groups has caused widespread debate and debate.

      6. Inside the school - Although the internet is a resource for education and recreation But young people need to be informed about how to use this powerful tool safely and responsibly. Which the main goal of this project is to encourage children to learn about legal requirements Own rights and the right way to prevent internet abuse.




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