ยินดีต้อนรับเข้าสู่เว็บไซต์ "จริยธรรมเทคโนโลยีบนโลกดิจิทัล"

Be aware of the dangers that come from the internet.

      Danger 1 chat danger, chat means talking on the internet is the most common and common danger Sometimes we may be conversing with people who want to benefit from us. If we accidentally give us personal information such as name, address, phone number or meeting someone you know online we may be victims of these people. These people play chat. Because he is not a good friend, an inferiority complex, wanting to find a girlfriend, fantasizing about finding good things on the internet, psychosis, seeking benefits from people who do not know, seeking knowledge without wasting money Or play like that, so friends told you to try.

      Article 2 The dangers of playing online games Is like a good drug, because when you play, you don't want to stop playing Want to score a lot, get a higher level, want to show off, want to beat other people Currently, there are many online games. Some games are implied in an obscene way. There is a strong presentation. Some games sell items in the game. Many people used to be victims because they were tricked into buying items in the game. Students must know to restrain themselves. Choose to play only creative games. Set playing time to not serious these are undermining physical, mental, and academic damage.

      Danger 3 the dangers of surfing the web the number 1 danger from surfing the web is deceptive advertisements. Selling products, such as ordering goods, paying but not having items, is also available. 2. Download websites. If blindly download May have a virus as well or some websites just click into it and then get infected with a virus. 3. Pornographic websites. 4. Web board, board, and question and answer board. There may be some false messages posted, some using impolite words to bully each other. 4. Dangers from email. There are nonsense viruses or pornographic forward images. If there is a mail that we do not know, it should be deleted.


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